Combining two extraordinary writing pieces on typography—The Crystal Goblet, or Printing Should Be Invisible and Ode to Typography—I designed a book within a book through which these two pieces can be read together or individually. In the larger book, the essay The Crystal Goblet, or Printing Should Be Invisible is laid out in large margins surrounding the smaller book. Ode to Typography, a passionate poem, was designed in a small, intimate shape, easy to hold on to. The didactic layout of the larger book almost notates the expressive text of the smaller one. Reading the books in different ways creates dialogues within and without their spaces. 

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Within / Without

2 Pieces
The Crystal Goblet, or Printing Should Be Invisible,
11”x17”, Xerox transfer
Ode to Typography, 4”x8”, Digital printing

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Ella Minnow Pea /  Island / Reflections / The Lines